How Your HVAC Impacts Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

July 17, 2024

Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system is a big part of making sure your home is comfortable. However, it changes more than just the temperature. Your household’s energy use and, by extension, your energy bills depend a lot on how well your HVAC system works. With energy costs going up and people becoming more concerned about the environment, it’s more important than ever to understand how your HVAC system affects how much energy it uses. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to cut expenses or care about your environmental impact, there are some steps you can take to slash

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Ways to Reduce Spring Allergens in Your Home

May 16, 2024

Spring in Amherst, NY, can be beautiful. During these early months of gradually warming weather, we all head outside after a long and grueling winter being stuck indoors. Unfortunately, springtime also brings about a lot of pollen. If you’re susceptible to allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and a runny nose, you might head indoors for relief. Unfortunately, a lot of people experience poor indoor air quality that can be just as bad for allergy sufferers, if not worse, as the great outdoors. You don’t need to be one of them: You can reduce spring allergens in

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The Importance of Proper HVAC Ventilation

April 5, 2024

An important aspect of having a healthy home in Amherst, NY, is to maintain proper airflow. The average home circulates nearly 1,000 cubic feet of conditioned air every minute. This air is taken through a series of ducts and filters during the circulation process. If the system works as intended, indoor air temperatures will be properly regulated. Most contaminants should be removed from the air as well. Poor ventilation can damage your HVAC system, which is why you should take steps to fix any airflow issues in your home. Understanding Ventilation As a result of leaks

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Spring Cleaning Tasks For Your HVAC System

March 12, 2024

Spring is the season during which families traditionally clean their homes in Amherst, NY. Known worldwide as “spring cleaning,” this process allows homeowners to scour every section of their homes. While scrubbing each nook and cranny of the house, a major area homeowners should never neglect is the HVAC system. Keeping up with spring HVAC maintenance is an excellent way to boost energy efficiency and conserve the lifespan of all HVAC equipment. A look at the top tasks on your spring maintenance checklist can help ensure that your system operates smoothly all year long. 1. Air

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6 Benefits of Zoned HVAC Systems

February 14, 2024

Traditional HVAC systems have several drawbacks, including the need for manual temperature adjustments, uneven heating and cooling, and the difficulty of reaching a consensus on a set temperature among occupants. Traditional HVAC units are also highly inefficient because they supply heat or cold air into your entire house. Zoned HVAC systems aim to solve this inefficiency and provide homeowners with many other heating and cooling benefits. 1. Better Comfort and Convenience A traditional HVAC system is built to indiscriminately heat or cool every part of your home connected to the system. Thus, different occupants of your

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Why Size Matters in Your HVAC System

January 31, 2024

Ah, the elusive dream of home comfort: a perfectly balanced HVAC system that warms you up in winter and cools you down in the summer. But achieving this haven requires one crucial step – precisely sizing your system. Think of an HVAC system like a car engine. A puny engine in a behemoth truck won’t get you anywhere fast, right? Similarly, an undersized HVAC system will struggle to keep your home comfortable, leading to frustration, high energy bills, and a shortened lifespan. Conversely, an oversized system is like flooring the gas pedal in a traffic jam –

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Upgrade Your HVAC for Quieter Comfort and Higher Efficiency

January 31, 2024

Are you tired of living with the loud roars and rattles of your outdated HVAC system? You’re not alone. Millions of homeowners suffer through discomfort and inefficiency due to aging air conditioning units and furnaces. But there’s good news! Upgrading to a modern HVAC system can unlock a world of quiet comfort, significant energy savings, and a healthier home environment. Escape the Roar and Embrace Peaceful Quiet Imagine movie nights undisturbed or enjoying serene afternoons on the porch. No more constant drone of an ancient air conditioning unit! Modern HVAC systems operate at whisper-quiet

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Should The Outside HVAC Unit Be Covered In The Winter?

January 31, 2024

Author: Jake Castricone Senior Service Technician Should the outside unit be covered in the winter? When homeowners ask about adding insulation around their water heater, I usually advise against it. It can create a cozy haven for mice and other pests, attracting them to the warm space and potentially leading to chewed wires. This is especially true in rural areas of Western New York, where we see a lot of rodent damage caused by insulation. Frankly, I don’t know what it is about the wiring in these units, but it

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What Is Being Done During A Maintenance Call For An AC Unit?

January 31, 2024

Author: Jake Castricone Senior Service Technician What are you doing on a maintenance call for an air conditioning unit? There can be a buildup of dust, debris, and even some unwanted guests – tiny bugs and critters. Now, these little critters might seem harmless, but their presence inside the unit can actually cause big problems. With voltages ranging from 240 to 400 volts in here (depending on the component, like the capacitor or contactor), even a small bug touching a wire can lead to a short circuit. This could damage

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How Long Will An AC Unit Last Before It Needs Replacing?

January 31, 2024

Author: Jake Castricone Senior Service Technician How long will an old air conditioning unit keep running before it needs to be replaced? Some have certainly seen better days, but I’ve seen much older units still chugging along. Age alone isn’t the death sentence for these machines. While newer models offer unbeatable efficiency, quieter operation, and all the bells and whistles, I’ve got plenty of 20-year-old units still keeping their owners cool. The key is the current performance. If it’s still providing reliable comfort, then there’s no immediate need

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